Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ngobaran - Beach - Yogyakarta

Why this beach called Ngobaran?

all came from the story of King Brawijaya who committed suicide by burning themselves. King UB is the last descendant of the Majapahit kingdom. So gini according to a story in the local community, first Prabu Brawijaya V away from the palace along with his wives. According to the story of King UB V wife No 2 that Bondang Surati and Dewi Lowati. They left the palace because they do not want in-Islamize by his son, Raden Patah. When it became the King of Demak Raden Patah 1.
Runaway King UB until Ngobaran Beach, and deadlocked. When pressed for the King UB finally decided to burn himself by first asking the loyalty of his two wives. A short story by the wife of the latter is considered more loyal King UB and eventually invited nyebur in flames burned the two bodies. Ngobaran word itself comes from the story, which of the events flames of events Prabu Brawijaya V suicide. Ngobaran derived from the inflammatory / kobong that in the Java language.

The truth of the story is in fact still be the pros and cons, especially a lot of people think that coercion Raden Patah to Islamize King UB is not true and there is also a story stating that burned in the fire was a dog because the former bone that is more similar to dog bones when compared with human bones.
So in addition to getting a beautiful view you can learn a lot of things you add insight about the intricacies of Turkish Ngobaran. Cultural tourism is also useful if you to work on tasks: p
For those who do not like the mystical or reeks of history but want to enjoy the beautiful beaches Ngobaran Gunung Kidul.

Location Beach Ngobaran

Ngobaran beach is located 65km from the city of Yogyakarta in the village of Gunung Kidul Regency Saptosari Kanigoro districts are unspoiled beaches.
There are unique from this beach, in one of the coastal cliffs Ngobaran there is such a temple which is very rare on the mainland Gunung Kidul. To cover this coast should use private vehicles. For public transport is still difficult because of its location this beach is a little sign
To reach this beach of the city of Yogyakarta is easy enough you can drive a vehicle through the streets Wonosari
When passing the traffic lights Ivory pitch you can take a direction to the right. Follow the road you will pass Marga Wildlife Refuge Paliyan. Dipertigaan stuck until you can turn left from there you just follow the road to the complex instructions Ngrenehan Turkish-Ngobaran-Nguyahan.
Arriving at the beach, you will see an amazing sight. From the top of the hill looks tenderly caressing waves rolling rocks green seaweed covered. Playing white sand and looking for small fish behind the reef is a fun activity.

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Krakal Beach - Yogyakarta ➽ Continue Reading
Sundak Beach - Yogyakarta ➽ Continue Reading

Indrayanti - Beach - Yogyakarta

Indrayanti beach, here's another one beach tourism in Yogyakarta are worth your visit of Gunung Kidul Regency. Indrayanti beach, so the local community or among tourists mention the beautiful beaches and romantic.
This beach name sounds a little odd, because his name is more like the name of a Javanese woman. The beach is located in the hamlet Ngasem Tepus village, Gunung also is adjacent to other popular destinations in Gunung kidul Jogja, like Baron and Krakal.
Indrayanti Beach location is located right on the east side Sundak. Both are limited by coral hills. Indarayati beach offers a beautiful panorama that is unique compared to other beaches in Gunung Kidul. Not only dazzling white sand bars or the magnificent hills of coral reefs, crystal clear blue sea water looks clean as if to invite tourists to swim and mingle in it.
The sea water in this Indrayanti Beach are truly clean, clear, and natural because it has not been contaminated by a variety of waste. This is because the audience of the trip always liked to swim and play water in the Indrayanti Beach.

Address Beach Indrayanti : Tepus Village , District Tepus , Kab . Gunung Kidul , Yogyakarta
GPS coordinates : -8.15022,110.612004

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Krakal Beach - Yogyakarta ➽ Continue Reading
Sundak Beach - Yogyakarta ➽ Continue Reading

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Pantai Pok Tunggal Beach - Yogyakarta

Pok Tunggal beach in the area of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Precisely in the village Tepus, District Tepus, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The location is between Turkish Pulang Syawal (better known as the Turkish Indrayanti) and Siung. Turkish Pok Tunggal has a beautiful panorama with white sand. On the east side and the west coast is flanked by cliffs towering. Single Pok beach itself are the new beach. The beach is accessible to tourists started since May 2012. Therefore, the cleanliness of the beach is still very guarded. Even to maintain the cleanliness of the beach this will incur a fine of Rp 10,000 if you litter.
Single Pok name itself is taken because at this beach location are rare trees and tree still stands that Duras (Pok Tunggal). One more unique about this beach is the presence of freshwater springs that come from underground streams typical karst area. This water is also used as a source of water for the local population.
View of the beach will be much more beautiful when enjoyed from the hills west coast. Besides from behind a hill cliffs to the east, you'll come across some wild primates who were jumping here and there. You can just enjoy the scenery and swim as much at the limit of the shoreline. The sand here is quite flat, so it is fairly safe place to swim.

access transport From the city center to the beach location is approximately 70 km . Can be reached by private vehicle or lease with the long journey of about two hours away . Access road to the single Pok is paved but about one and a half kilometer before the beach , the streets still a rocky dirt road . For that you should be more careful .

Friday, July 22, 2016

Siung Beach - Yogyakarta

Located about 70 km from Yogyakarta city center, can be reached Siung WITH takes Neighbourhood prayer jam. Turkish singer has a big-sized coral boulders. Naming Turkish singer Also THERE WITH bearing rock. There is a Turkish singer in a rock A big thing looks like a monkey tooth WITH OR Also called Siung Wanara. Siung word is finally taken to a review called The beach is gorgeous singer. In Javanese cloves means is teeth fangs.
A hobby for your review Climbing, Siung The place is cool for a review of the hobby. Cliff - cliffs in Siung Many Are used to review the conduct Climbing. Is More Than 250 Hiking Climbing Yang are in Siung. Also in Turkish cloves are A camping ground What can you use to set up a tent at the reviews IF you want to spend hours in Siung.
Siung located in the hamlet Wates, Purwodadi, District Tepus.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Yogyakarta - Jogjakarta

Yogyakarta Special Region (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, DIY) is officially one of the 32 provinces in Indonesia. Yogyakarta is one of the leading cultural center of Java. The area is situated at the foot of the active Merapi volcano, Yogyakarta is in the 16th and 17th centuries the seat of the mighty Javanese empire of Mataram are currently Yogyakarta has the best inherited the tradition. The town itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate visitors.
This province is one of the most densely populated areas in Indonesia. The city came into being in 1755, after the division of Mataram into the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo). Gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, wayang kulit (leather puppet), theater and other expressions of traditional art will keep the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in arts such as batik, silver and leather work. In addition to traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in Yogya culture oriented society.

 ASRI, the Academy of Fine Arts is an arts center and Yogyakarta itself has given its name to an important school of modern painting in Indonesia, perhaps best personified by the famed Indonesian impressionist, late Affandi.
Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to Central Java as where it is geographically located. Stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There are daily air service to Yogya from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and easy accessibility by road. Yogyakarta is commonly regarded as the modern culture of Central Java. Although some may prefer Solo as runner up, Yogyakarta remains a clear front-runner for traditional dance, Wayang (traditional puppetry) and music.

Yogyakarta has more than just culture though. This is a very lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road, Jalan Malioboro, always bustling and famous for its food-culture and its street vendors evening. Many tourist shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along this road or in a tourist spot next to the Sosrowijayan Street.

The main attraction of Yogyakarta is 'Kraton' (Sultan's Palace). Sultan's palace is the center of Yogya's traditional life and despite the advance of modernity; still from the spirit of improvement, which has become the hallmark of Yogya for centuries. This complex area of decaying buildings built in the 18th century, and is actually a walled city within a city with luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still live. Yogyakarta is also the only major city, which still has the traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.

Drini Beach - Yogyakarta

Drini Beach is one of the beaches are well known in Gunung Kidul. It is located on the beach one Tanjungsari, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, precisely on the east coast and beaches Throughout Baron. Drini Beach location is also still in line with those of other beaches such as Kukup Beach, Krakal, Sundak, and several other beaches.

Drini Beach has attractive natural landscape with its hills are green, white sand and blue sea. One characteristic of this Drini Beach is the small island located on the south coast. The island location was not far to the beach, so we could also visit there to see the island.

In addition to the island, Drini Beach is also flanked by two hills on the east and west that made the landscape more interesting. On the edge of Drini Beach Gazebo is also a neat and fishing boats are parked, and is often used by fishermen to catch fish in the sea.

What are the highlights of this Drini Beach?

As explained previously, in Drini Beach there is a tiny island that is the hallmark and attraction for the tourists who come there. The island is a small island located in the middle of the beach and has a surface like a hill high enough. People there also calls Drini Island.

Drini Island is located not too far from the coast, low tide when we can cross to get there by foot and past the stairs there. From the top of the island, we could see the view widely Drini Beach. it certainly could be an interesting experience for you while visiting there.

Aside from the island, we can also enjoy the view from the top of the hill Drini Beach in the east. On the hill east next there are several huts are provided for visitors to rest and enjoy the view. The view from the hill is very attractive. And in our opinion, this is where the best spot to enjoy the view Drini Beach. Because of the hill, we could see a wider view of the Drini beach with hills in the west and the island in the middle of the beach decorate it.

Not only that, we can also see the vast sea in the southern hills and cliffs on the east side of the hill. In addition to enjoying the scenery, there we can also enjoy the cool coastal air and make us more fresh.

After enjoying the scenery, it's time to play water on the beach. The ocean water at the edge of the Drini beach is fairly quiet, since the island and the surrounding hills that make waves not up to the edge of the beach. So it is still safe to play on the beach or bathing water. But, make sure to always be careful and not too far from shore yes!

Facilities at the Drini Beach

For public facilities in this Drini Beach is sufficient, such as parking, showers, places to eat and others. There are also boat rentals Kano or inflatable boat which will surely make your trip more enjoyable. For the price, you can negotiate directly with them in order to get the cheapest price.

Culinary in Drini Beach
Once satisfied to play and enjoy the beautiful scenery Drini Beach , time for us to enjoy various culinary there. In the long Drini Beach Gazebo and there are several food stalls are lined up neatly .
Menus provided were varied, so you can choose according to your taste . Enjoy the culinary above the Gazebo while enjoying the beautiful scenery Drini Beach certainly make your trip even more memorable .

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Krakal Beach - Yogyakarta ➽ Continue Reading
Sundak Beach - Yogyakarta ➽ Continue Reading

Sepanjang Beach - Yogyakarta

According to its name because it has the longest coastline among among other coastal beaches in Gunung Kidul district. The beach is in line with Sundak beach, Kukup, Baron offering views of the beauty of the beach with white sand stretching along the coast add to the beauty of this beach.

This beach including a new tourist attraction opened by the district government Gunungkidul visible from the road leading to the beach in the form of cast blocks. But if you stare into this beach will be visible around the palm trees neatly lined along the beach took beautify the elegance of this beach.

When low tide you will be able to see the corals appear dibibir sloping beach is a habitat of a variety of marine life. The visitors can find shellfish, small fish, starfish, sea anggang, sea urchins and seaweed contained in hollows or holes in the rock.

In the state of the sea receded that the locals usually use the time to hunt get seaweed, shellfish and other for their own consumption or further processed and resold. Some huts are roofed with dried leaves standing in some places around the coast provides a variety of foods and beverages that provide a variety of seafood.

In some places there are also huts where local people live and planting around the site. You will see two hills on the slopes used for farming by local community like growing corn, soybeans and others.
In Turkish Throughout there are also historic sites that Banyusepuh. As the name implies meaning washed with water, then this place that had a spring that used to bathe or wash. The use of this place is said to be used by the trustees to bathe inheritance. The site is now a puddle of dry overgrown, so if they do not ask their existence to the locals then the tourists is hard to find these sites.
In this place, we can also get souvenirs made from sea shells. Some residents who live on the coast make various handicrafts made from shells. The craft can be shaped chariot, barong, a scarecrow or tongs.

If you can look for shells themselves by the beach then you can collect your own findings and process it further. Arriving home, you can begin processing the shell of your findings by immersing in a 90% alcohol mixed with tobacco or mint. After a day and a night soaked, gently rub the shell with which will remove the outer layer in the form of chalk so that only a middle layer only. Rubbing will next create the shell shiny womanly.

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Krakal Beach - Yogyakarta ➽ Continue Reading
Sundak Beach - Yogyakarta ➽ Continue Reading